Why Cant We Be Friends? Masters of Rationalization, Fish-anasia
‘War’ asks that riveting question way back in 1975 (when sex was still safe and diving was dangerous). Why Can’t We Be Friends?? My favorite lyricist-philospher Neil Peart answers that rhetorical question in Rushs’ 1981 song ‘Witch Hunt’: Quick to judge, Quick to Anger, But Slow to Understand… Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear Walk Hand In Hand.
The division bell clanging across this planet is ringing soooo loudly right now, not only can l hear it, but I can see it and feel it reverberating throughout my being. It’s too loud, it’s making my head ache, I can almost hear it ringing underwater. Well, JK there, nothing steals my mojo while I’m underwater! As for seeing the divide, look no farther than the cars you’re passing on the road.
As I wrote a recent newsletter in late February I was contemplating the concept of halves and how us humans are basically divided on most everything. I referenced how the half of us on our little island that are year-round residents can’t wait for the other half (part-time snowbirds) to go back up north… divers excluded (because your cool and can still dive). Here’s what I wrote: The other half of us can’t wait for that half to go back up north! We want our roads, stores, and restaurants back to normal... but until then we are dreaming of May.
In light of the recent Governor's decree we wanted to give you a brief update on how the dive shop will be affected. Our primary concern is to do what's right, minimize contact, and NOT be an instrument to spread the virus. The shop will remain 'partially' open with abbreviated hours and additional restrictions to conform with CDC guidelines.
Last month when I sat down to write my captains Chronicles I stared at the blank screen feeling like there was nothing fresh to write about. How fast and drastically things have changed! This pandemic totally sucks without a doubt. Negativity, fear, and anxiety abound us right now, however I’m trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Now that you are out diving, you will find that most of your dives will be from a boat, especially here in Florida. So, diving is diving, you say? True, but I am going to share a few little tidbits about how to enjoy your diving the most.
Another successful Reef Clean-Up on the 5 Mile Reef Piles! Scuba Marco would like to thank all our volunteers that helped remove 190 items weighing up to 200 lbs from a number of popular Marco Island dive and fishing spots.